Correlation of the Principal's Assertive Leadership Style with the Performance of School Administrative Staff


  • Wahyu Bagja Sulfemi Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Visi Nusantara Bogor, Indonesia


principal leadership, assertive style, administrative staff, senior high school


The role of administrative staff in Schools is significant in supporting the effectiveness of school operations, and a leader, namely the school principal, with his leadership style, significantly impacts the school organization's climate and performance. Although much research has been conducted on leadership styles and employee performance in various organizational contexts, there still needs to be a greater understanding of the impact of a school leader's assertive leadership style on work outcomes for administrative staff at the school. Therefore, research is needed to fill inequalities, gaps, and insight into knowledge by investigating the relationship between a school principal's assertive leadership style and administrative staff's work results in senior high schools throughout Leuwiliang District, Bogor Regency. This research was presented with a quantitative experimental method using correlation product moment with a questionnaire in data collection. These data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The population was all school administrative staff in Leuwiliang District, Bogor Regency, consisting of seven schools with a total sample of 41 people. This research showed that a school principal with an assertive leadership style would be more aggressive and pay more attention to personal control. It impacts the motivation and final performance of administrative staff who can carry out their duties well and contribute to achieving the program, vision, mission, and school goals.


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How to Cite

Sulfemi, W. B. (2024). Correlation of the Principal’s Assertive Leadership Style with the Performance of School Administrative Staff. Educational Policy and Management Review, 1(1), 15–24. Retrieved from